Spawn Buzzard GTA 5 Cheat:

Spawn Buzzard GTA 5 Cheat: How to Summon the Ultimate Flying War Machine?

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Spawn Buzzard GTA 5 Cheat: If you are a fan of Grand Theft Auto V, you must have heard of the Buzzard helicopter.

This versatile flying machine is an excellent choice for all sorts of missions, from attacking enemy bases to exploring the vast map of the game.

But did you know that you can summon a Buzzard anytime you want with a simple cheat code? In this article, we’ll show you how to use the Spawn Buzzard GTA 5 cheat and become the ultimate flying ace.

Spawn Buzzard GTA 5 Cheat

  • Xbox 360/Xbox One: B, B, LB, B, B, B, LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y
  • PS3/PS4: Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
  • Cell Phone: 1-999-289-9633

How to Summon the Ultimate Flying War Machine In GTA V?

  • Step 1: Open the Cheat Console

The first thing you need to do is open the cheat console in the game. This is where you’ll enter the cheat code to summon the Buzzard. To do this, simply press the tilde (~) key on your keyboard. The cheat console will appear at the top of your screen.

  • Step 2: Enter the Cheat Code

Now that you have the cheat console open, it’s time to enter the code to spawn the Buzzard. The code is as follows: “BUZZOFF.” Once you have entered the code, press Enter on your keyboard, and the Buzzard will spawn right in front of you.

  • Step 3: Enjoy Your Flying Machine

Congratulations! You have successfully summoned the Buzzard helicopter using the Spawn Buzzard GTA 5 cheat. Now, all that’s left to do is hop in and enjoy the ride. The Buzzard is equipped with rockets and machine guns, making it an excellent choice for combat missions. It’s also incredibly fast and maneuverable, making it perfect for exploring the game’s vast world.

Tips and Tricks for Using the Buzzard

Now that you have your hands on a Buzzard, it’s time to make the most of it. Here are some tips and tricks to help you become the ultimate flying ace:

  • Practice Flying: The Buzzard is an incredibly versatile helicopter, but it can take some time to get used to. Spend some time flying around the game world, practicing your maneuvers and getting a feel for how the Buzzard handles.
  • Use the Rockets: The Buzzard is equipped with rockets, making it an excellent choice for combat missions. Use them to take out enemy vehicles, helicopters, and even boats.
  • Don’t Forget the Machine Guns: The Buzzard is also equipped with machine guns, which can be devastating in the right hands. Use them to take out ground targets or other helicopters.
  • Watch Your Altitude: The Buzzard is a powerful machine, but it’s not invincible. Be careful when flying at low altitudes, as you can easily crash into buildings or other obstacles.


What is the Buzzard helicopter in GTA 5?

The Buzzard is a versatile helicopter that can be used for combat missions and exploration in Grand Theft Auto V. It is equipped with rockets and machine guns, making it a formidable flying machine.

How do I summon the Buzzard in GTA 5?

To summon the Buzzard in GTA 5, you can use the cheat code “BUZZOFF” in the cheat console. This will spawn the helicopter right in front of you.

Can I use the Buzzard for combat missions?

Absolutely! The Buzzard is equipped with rockets and machine guns, making it an excellent choice for combat missions.

How do I use the rockets and machine guns on the Buzzard?

To use the rockets and machine guns on the Buzzard, you can press the appropriate buttons on your keyboard or controller. The rockets are typically fired with the left mouse button (or the right trigger on a controller), while the machine guns are fired with the right mouse button (or the left trigger on a controller).

Can I customize the Buzzard in GTA 5?

Unfortunately, you cannot customize the Buzzard in GTA 5. However, it is already equipped with rockets and machine guns, making it a powerful and versatile helicopter.

Is using cheat codes in GTA 5 allowed?

While using cheat codes in GTA 5 is not officially sanctioned by the game’s developers, it is a common practice among players. Keep in mind that using cheat codes can potentially affect your gameplay experience, and it is recommended to use them responsibly.

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